British Companies ‘failing India’s lowest caste workers’

21 08 2007

Leading British companies are being accused of supporting a system of  apartheid in India by failing to ensure that they treat members of the country’s lowest caste equally.

The International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN), which campaigns on behalf of the caste, pejoratively known as ‘untouchables’, says UK companies with operations in India are not monitoring their staff and are refusing to sign up to positive action to combat the problem. Dalits are often excluded from work in India and do not have the educational opportunities available to India’s middle classes.

The IDSN has approached Standard Chartered, which employs 15,000 people in India, HSBC (25,000), Shell (10,000), Barclays and ICI and asked if they monitor recruitment and workforces. It also asked them to sign up to the
10 so-called Ambedkar principles, which enshrine affirmative action against discrimination.

The Observer

One does wonder what BT Mahindra’s and other telecom’s companies policies are on this matter.



2 responses

21 08 2007

the things are so bad and disturbing that it requires an outside intervention in India. Indian should ask themselves some critical questions? a self apprasail for indians is in order.

22 08 2007

All socities could do with asking themsleves critical questions wether it be the UK, India, USA, France, China or whateaver.

Thnks for the comment

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